reflection from Joniece:
This was my first year attending the Black History Month Convocation. This is not because I did not want to go before, but Liza and Donna would always seem to plan their events while I was in class. I enjoyed listening to the stories of the other students and faculty members that were speaking. I really appreciated that some students came out to hear our stories, give us their attention, and ask meaningful questions.
Convocation got me thinking about what Black History Month really means to Stonehill. I have often heard from naysayers that there should not even be a black history month, but I feel like it is important. There are many black people that did a lot of good for the world and for other black people. The same people that made it possible for me to be go to school and gave me the ability to be writing this blog response. I was surprised that the room was filled because attendance at black history month events is not always the greatest.
I can recall during my junior year when the cafe decided that they would be celebrating black history month. For them this meant barbeque ribs and fried chicken and a sign that read “come celebrate black history month.’ I have to admit I did find it amusing, I actually laughed for the rest of the month but once I got past the amusement I was upset. Is that really all that they think of black people, and they had the nerve to serve Sushi the next day. Some celebration!